Ugh, so I’ve just woken up from the coma Beyonce put me in on Sunday night. If you don’t know what I’m talking about just leave my blawg now. Right now.

So ~newayz~, Beyonce’s documentary aired on HBO last Sunday night and not only did it put me in a coma but it also purged the world of any nonBeylievers. In under 2 hours (1 hour and 30 minutes to Bey exact) Beyonce reminded us all that her life is better than anything we could dare to dream or pray about, all while serving sweat-pants-hair-tied-chillin-with-no-make-up-on realness. SO, in case you missed it and even if you didn’t, here are the best moments of the doc. My .gif to you.

1. ‘Yonce blows up the studio.


2. ‘Yonce wakes up and our lives press play.


3. ‘Yonce and Jay get intimate and we all get v uncomfortable.



4. ‘Yonce, Solange, and Kelly have a dance party. Michelle wasn’t invited. Poor Michelle.


5. ‘Yonce’s pregnant body is nicer than all of our regular bodies.


6. ‘Yonce calls out Katy Perry, RIhanna, and Lady Gaga. Oh, and Britney.


7. Blue Ivy does the Single Ladies dance in ‘Yonce’s womb. She is already better than us.


8. Julez is also already better than us.


9. We meet Blue Ivy, and she kindly asks ‘Yonce what these poor people are doing in her house.


10. ‘Yonce got emotional while confessing that she is in fact God.


Well, damn. I guess we can all die happy now.